How to Properly Edit Your Academic Writing Draft


When you’re in the process of transition from high school to the college environment, there are many new things that you have to get used to as well as loads of moments when you think that you’ve got this, but, in fact, you haven’t. It’s a quite complicated period, and you have no other choice except for embracing it and trying to keep your head above the water.

Academic writing is one of the spheres that adds up to complicating your college life. But it is not a reason to worry or give up. If you approach the issue with the right determination and resources, everything will work out just fine. And we are sure of that because we are the ones helping you to reach goals and achieve success with our college writing guide.

College Writing Guide

General Academic Writing Tricks

Embarking upon any kind of academic assignments you have to remember to:

  • Know your enemy: learn as much info as possible on how to write this or that paper. If this is an argumentative essay or research paper, google how people create it or consult with your professor. Don’t omit tiny details and take into account different specifications.
  • Polish your grammar: use grammar checkers, friends, fellow editors or real professionals to polish your writing. Even if you’re sure that your command of English is flawless (which is doubtful), additional checks and external assistance will never hurt.
  • Watch yourself with citation styles: they are very tricky because even a small mistake with a comma you’ve forgotten to put can cost you a part of your grade.
  • Boost your academic style: many students use the conversational language in their academic writing which is a crude error. Get to know more about the original academic style and try to copy it from real scientific papers.

These small tips will help you on your way to academic success.

How to Analyze and Revise Your First Draft

college writing guide

After taking into account all our above-mentioned tricks and producing the first draft of your paper, you need to have a strategy for analyzing and revising it, and we will certainly provide you with some ideas.

Leave Your Draft for Several Days

In order to optimize the revising process to the maximum, you need to look at the paper like it has been written by someone else. That’s why putting it aside is a good way to become estranged with it. Changing the font and size of the text may help as well.

Match Your Conclusion and Introduction

Have you heard the words that the conclusion is a paraphrased introduction? That’s true – they have to be similar in meaning with the only difference: your major thesis statement must be wider and deeper in the last part because you have done research and proved your claim.

Make Sure One Paragraph Renders One Thought

It is very important to include a single viewpoint in one paragraph. This is the best way to make your writing readable and clear. Otherwise, you may confuse the reader and make it difficult to perceive what you’re trying to say.

Check Whether Your Arguments Are Solidly Supported

You don’t want your content to look like filler text. That’s why you need to make certain that your claims have enough evidence to persuade your readers. Test them on your friends and family and ask for their opinion.

Create a Reverse Outline

Sum up your whole paper by creating a reverse layout – it will show whether the ideas are stated in the right order and if you achieved your original goal stated in the assignment.

Use the Professional Assistance

Writers from custom writing agencies can proofread your writing and make crucial suggestions on how you can improve it.

A proper approach to analyzing the rough draft is the first step to the academic success. Don’t blow off this chance!

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Author: Patricia Jenkins

Patricia Jenkins is the senior writing advisor at FastEssay blog for international students that seek quick paper assistance. In her blog, Patricia shares useful tips on productivity, writing, research, references. Sometimes Patricia goes off topic by sharing her personal experience peppered with lively humor and healthy irony.

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