How to Start Your Essay


Which kind of essays do you like? Even if you didn’t read many academic papers, you might notice that there are some kinds of articles on the web which hook you up from the first sentence and, usually, don’t let you go until the end. The other ones have an improper introduction and you often want to close the tab and search for a better article with the same information. So, bad essays usually begin with:

Apologies or Uncertainty

Why write an essay on the topic you don’t know anything about? Even if you are not sure in some of your opinions or provide the reader with unproven theories in the main body of the paper, don’t apologize. Just mention that the fact is not confirmed but you wanted to share this interesting information with the reader. Write a confident introduction instead of “in my humble opinion”, “I’m not sure” or “I don’t know exactly, but..”.

write an essay on the topic

Clichés, Well-Known Facts or Generalizations

It is generally agreed today that.

Everyone wants to be rich.

The Islamic state is dangerous for the Western world.

Avoid such phrases, because they have no benefit for a reader or even impose some characteristics of them that can be not peculiar to those people. Not everyone wants to be rich, there are lots of people with another life values.

Complicated Constructions

Some novice authors think that if the sentence is long and it is hard to read a text from the first time, the whole essay seems respectable. If anything, it’s the opposite. Professional writer’s style is catchy and entertaining but simple enough to explain the things to everybody. Good understanding and the connection between the writer and the reader is crucial in any kind of paper. Don’t start your essay with the three-storey sentences for being in touch with your audience.

Complicated Constructions

Dictionary or Wikipedia Definitions

It is not the best way to introduce the topic you want to cover by providing the reader with a definition. Those things reinforce your own thoughts further in the essay, but at the start seem to be a one-size-fits-all approach.

Instead of that all undesirable beginnings you can:

Mention the Surprising Statistic

Mention the Surprising Statistic

For instance, you are writing an essay about Norwegian monarchs. In this case, it will be convenient to mention the dog king:

The dog named Saur really stood at the head of state in the 11th century BC. within three years.

Even though people may not believe you on the first try, you’ll take over their attention. Introductory statements aim to trigger emotions.

Make a Good Joke

Even though you can write about extremely serious things in the essay, some fun at the beginning is something your audience will enjoy. Anecdotes are able to put the reader on a better footing and to win their trust. Don’t turn the whole essay into a fun story, because an academic paper still needs to meet all the requirements and be informative. For instance, you are writing an essay about Australia:

Canadians: Endure bitterly cоld winters and are prоud оf it.

Americans: Dоn’t have to dо either, and couldn’t cаre less.

Aussies: Dоn’t understаnd whаt inclement weаther meаns.

Do Some Historical Research

Do Some Historical Research

There are a lot of topics which can be presented through some interesting facts from the past. Any invention, occasion or social issue has their own reasons to exist, let alone the famous person’s biography or religious and culture topics. Nevertheless, the historical opening should not occupy the other parts of the paper apart from introduction – it’s important not to get carried away. The example for the essay connected with the internet could be like this:

The first recоrded description оf the sоcial interactions that could be enabled thrоugh netwоrking was a series of memоs written by J.C.R. Licklider оf MIT in August 1962 discussing his “Galactic Network” cоncept. He envisioned a globally intercоnnected set of cоmputers thrоugh which everyоne cоuld quickly access data and prоgrams from any site.

Insert the Quotation of the Famous Person

A relevant saying of some reputable person often attracts the reader’s attention. It can be anyone; the main thing is that he or she should be known enough to engage the audience quickly.

Insert the Quotation of the Famous Person

Queen Elizabeth II said once: “I cannоt lead you into battle. I dо nоt give yоu laws or administer justice but I can dо sоmething else – I can give my heart and my devоtion to these оld islands and tо all the peоples of оur brоtherhood of natiоns.”And her pоint of view is reasоnable, because…

Involve the Reader Bit by Bit

The introduction can be omitted and you can present your topic just by telling your audience what about your essay is. Declarative is one of the most popular techniques, so be careful – the audience shouldn’t get bored.

All those examples of successful and poor ways to compose the introduction will help you to create a good essay and not to repeat the common mistakes.
Every student is an individual, and it is no secret that some students may write papers quite fast and effortlessly, but for some learners, every new paper is a true struggle they have to win. If you have read all these tips and are still not sure whether you can produce a strong paper, get help online from a fast essay writer at our service, and do not force yourself to do the thing you hate urgently.

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Author: Patricia Jenkins

Patricia Jenkins is the senior writing advisor at FastEssay blog for international students that seek quick paper assistance. In her blog, Patricia shares useful tips on productivity, writing, research, references. Sometimes Patricia goes off topic by sharing her personal experience peppered with lively humor and healthy irony.

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